Music is an important part of our worship. Here at FPC we use a traditional style of music. Our newly restored organ accompanies our hymns, as well as the prelude, postlude, and offertory. The choir, directed by Nita Herrick-Brewster, sings an anthem or special music almost every Sunday. For many in our church, the music is a favorite part of worship. Our organist is Robert Clark.
Do you love to sing? Consider joining the choir. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm in the choir room, and before worship at 10:15am. We sing a wide variety of music. All skill levels and voice parts are welcome. Come and help us make a joyful noise to the Lord!
Do you love to sing? Consider joining the choir. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm in the choir room, and before worship at 10:15am. We sing a wide variety of music. All skill levels and voice parts are welcome. Come and help us make a joyful noise to the Lord!