Service to the World
Special Offerings
Every year at Easter and Christmas we take special collections for the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) and Christmas Joy offerings. These offerings go towards supporting mission in the national denomination. These offerings support the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self Development of People, the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, and Presbyterian schools around the world.
Learn more about these special offerings here.
Learn more about these special offerings here.
Heifer International
At the front of our church is a tall clear plastic pipe which we call the Peace Pipe. Every Sunday when the children come forward for the children's message, they add quarters to the pipe. All of the money that goes into the Peace Pipe goes to Heifer International. Through Heifer you can buy farm animals to send to communities and families that struggle to afford food. A few years ago we decided we wanted to purchase an ark, which consists of two of every animal, which costs $5,000, and we are slowly raising money through the Peace Pipe to do so. On fifth Sundays of the month we invite adults to contribute to the Peace Pipe as well.